Sharing Knowledge to Promote Proactive Multi-environments in the WoT


  • Daniel Flores-Martin University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
  • Rubén Rentero-Trejo Global Process and Product Improvement S.L., Cáceres, Spain
  • Jaime Galán-Jiménez University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
  • José García-Alonso University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
  • Javier Berrocal University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain
  • Juan Manuel Murillo Computing and Advanced Technologies Foundation of Extremadura (COMPUTAEX), Cáceres, Spain



Web of Things, knowledge distillation, mobile devices, context-aware


The main goal of the Web of Things (WoT) is to improve people’s quality of life by automating tasks and simplifying human–device interactions with ubiquitous systems. However, the management of devices still has to be done manually, which wastes a lot of time as their number increases. Thus, the expected benefits are not achieved. This management overhead is even greater when users change environments, new devices are added, or existing devices are modified. All this requires time-consuming customization of configurations and interactions. To facilitate this, learning systems help manage automation tasks. However, these require extensive learning times to achieve customization and cannot manage multiple environments so new approaches are needed to manage multiple environments dynamically. This work focuses on knowledge distillation and teacher–student relationships to transfer knowledge between IoT environments in a model-agnostic manner, allowing users to share their knowledge each time they encounter a new environment. This work allowed us to eliminate training times and achieve an average accuracy of 94.70%, making model automation effective from the acquisition in proactive WoT multi-environments.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Flores-Martin, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain

Daniel Flores-Martin received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at the University of Extremadura, Spain, in 2023 (International mention). His research interests are the Internet of Things, Context-Awareness, Machine Learning, Mobile Computing, and Crowd Sensing. He is currently working at the Department of Informatics and Telematics System Engineering, University of Extremadura.

Rubén Rentero-Trejo, Global Process and Product Improvement S.L., Cáceres, Spain

Rubén Rentero-Trejo received his Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering (2019) and his MSc in Computer Science (2021) from the University of Extremadura. He is currently working at Gloin as a software developer and AI researcher, applying deep learning techniques for sentence matching and semantic alignment. He is also interested on IoT and mobile computing.

Jaime Galán-Jiménez, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain

Jaime Galán-Jiménez received the Ph.D. in computer science and communications from the University of Extremadura in 2014. He is currently with the Computer Science and Communications Engineering Department, University of Extremadura, as Associate Professor. His main research interests are UAV-based networks, Software-Defined Networks, 5G network planning and design, and mobile ad-hoc networks.

José García-Alonso, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain

José García-Alonso is an Associate Professor at the University of Extremadura, Spain, where he completed his Ph.D. in software engineering in 2014. He is the co-founder of Gloin, a software consulting company, and Health and Aging Tech, an eHealth company. His interests include quantum software engineering, mobile computing, pervasive computing, eHealth, and gerontechnology.

Javier Berrocal, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain

Javier Berrocal (IEEE Member) is an Associate Professor at the University of Extremadura. His main research interests are software architectures, mobile computing and edge and fog computing.

Juan Manuel Murillo, Computing and Advanced Technologies Foundation of Extremadura (COMPUTAEX), Cáceres, Spain

Juan Manuel Murillo (IEEE Member) is a full professor at the University of Extremadura and general director at Computing and Advanced Technologies Foundation of Extremadura (COMPUTAEX). His research interests include software architectures, mobile computing, cloud computing, and quantum computing.


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How to Cite

Flores-Martin, D. ., Rentero-Trejo, R. ., Galán-Jiménez, J. ., García-Alonso, J. ., Berrocal, J. ., & Murillo, J. M. . (2023). Sharing Knowledge to Promote Proactive Multi-environments in the WoT. Journal of Web Engineering, 22(02), 327–356.



BECS 2022