An Effective Scheme to Accelerate NeRF for Web Applications Using Hash-based Caching and Precomputed Features


  • OkHwan Bae Division of Computer Engineering, Hoseo University, Republic of Korea
  • Chung-Pyo Hong Division of Computer Engineering, Hoseo University, Republic of Korea



Neural radiance field, multiresolution hash encoding, 3D reconstruction, cache


In recent years, 3D reconstruction and rendering technologies have become increasingly important in various web-based applications within the field of web technology. In particular, with the emergence of technologies such as WebGL and WebGPU, which enable real-time 3D content rendering in web browsers, immersive experiences and interactions on the web have been significantly enhanced. These technologies are widely used in applications such as 3D visualization of virtual products or 3D exploration of building interiors on real estate websites. Through these advancements, users can experience 3D content directly in their browsers without the need to install additional software, greatly expanding the possibilities of the web. Amidst this trend, the neural radiance field (NeRF) has garnered attention as a cutting-edge technology that improves the accuracy of 3D reconstruction and rendering.

NeRF is a technique widely used in computer vision and graphics for reconstructing 3D spaces from 2D images taken from multiple viewpoints. By predicting the color and density of each pixel, NeRF captures the complex 3D structure and optical properties of a scene, enabling highly accurate 3D reconstructions. However, NeRF’s primary limitation is the time-consuming nature of both the training and inference processes. Research efforts to address this issue have focused on two key areas: optimizing network architectures and training procedures to accelerate scene learning, and improving inference speed for faster rendering. While progress has been made in enhancing training speed, challenges remain in improving the inference process.

To address these limitations, we propose a two-step approach to significantly improve NeRF’s performance. First, we optimize the training phase through a multi-resolution hash encoding technique, reducing the computational complexity and speeding up the learning process. Second, we accelerate the inference phase by caching the input data of the NeRF MLP, which allows for faster rendering without sacrificing quality. Our experimental results demonstrate that this approach reduces training time by 68.42% and increases inference speed by 98.18%.


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Author Biographies

OkHwan Bae, Division of Computer Engineering, Hoseo University, Republic of Korea

OkHwan Bae holds a Master’s degree in computer engineering from Hoseo University, Asan, Korea. His research areas include computer vision, deep learning, and reinforcement learning.

Chung-Pyo Hong, Division of Computer Engineering, Hoseo University, Republic of Korea

Chung-Pyo Hong received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, in 2004 and 2006, respectively. In 2012, he received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He is currently an associate professor of Computer Engineering at Hoseo University, Asan, Korea. His research interests include machine learning, explainable AI, and data science.


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How to Cite

Bae, O. ., & Hong, C.-P. . (2024). An Effective Scheme to Accelerate NeRF for Web Applications Using Hash-based Caching and Precomputed Features. Journal of Web Engineering, 23(07), 1041–1056.

