Privacy and Performance in Virtual Reality: The Advantages of Federated Learning in Collaborative Environments∗


  • Daniel Flores-Martin COMPUTAEX. Extremadura Supercomputing Center, Cáceres, Spain
  • Francisco Díaz-Barrancas University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain
  • Pedro J. Pardo University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain
  • Javier Berrocal University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain
  • Juan M. Murillo University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain



Virtual reality, federated learning, neural networks, training, cloud computing


Federated Learning has emerged as a promising approach for maintaining data privacy across distributed environments, enabling training on a diverse range of devices from high-performance servers to low-power gadgets. Despite its potential, managing numerous data sources can strain these devices, particularly those with limited capabilities, leading to increased latency. This is especially critical in virtual reality, where real-time responsiveness is crucial due to the need for constant data connectivity. Historically, virtual reality systems have relied on tethered computer setups, restricting their flexibility and the benefits of wireless technology. However, recent advancements have enhanced the computational power of VR devices, allowing them to perform certain tasks independently. This work explores the feasibility of training a neural network on VR devices, using a federated learning approach, to develop a collaborative model aggregated and stored in the cloud. The goal is to assess the computational demands and explore the potential and constraints of leveraging VR devices for artificial intelligence applications.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Flores-Martin, COMPUTAEX. Extremadura Supercomputing Center, Cáceres, Spain

Daniel Flores-Martin is a researcher and systems and supercomputing administrator at the COMPUTAEX Foundation. His research interests include the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and high-performance computing.

Francisco Díaz-Barrancas, University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

Francisco Díaz-Barrancas is a post-doc researcher at the University of Extremadura. His main interests are virtual reality, artificial intelligence and color processing.

Pedro J. Pardo, University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

Pedro J. Pardo is an Associate Professor at the University of Extremadura. His research interests include color vision, neural networks and computer networks.

Javier Berrocal, University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

Javier Berrocal (IEEE Member) is an Associate Professor at the University of Extremadura. His main research interests are software architectures, mobile computing, and edge and fog computing

Juan M. Murillo, University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

Juan Manuel Murillo (IEEE Member) is a Full Professor at the University of Extremadura. His research interests include software architectures, mobile computing, and cloud computing.


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How to Cite

Flores-Martin, D. ., Díaz-Barrancas, F. ., Pardo, P. J. ., Berrocal, J. ., & Murillo, J. M. . (2025). Privacy and Performance in Virtual Reality: The Advantages of Federated Learning in Collaborative Environments∗. Journal of Web Engineering, 23(08), 1085–1106.


