Secure Semantic Smart HealthCare (S3HC)
Semantic Web, HealthCare, Ontology, Knowledge Base, SWRL Rules, Semantic Web of ThingsAbstract
Healthcare is a significant domain having a huge knowledge base, a significant part which comes from medical, diagnostic and imaging devices and sensors. The health status of patients may be monitored and managed remotely by performing reasoning over this knowledge base. Specialists in HealthCare facilities are required to handle large quantity of data generated and make decisions. However, the heterogeneous and complex nature and the huge amount of data generated; the way it is represented and presented; and the security challenges may overburden the core abilities of thinking and reasoning of even highly skilled and knowledgeable experts putting the lives of patients at risk. The situation may become even worse when data is coming from various healthcare devices and sensors which are themselves characterized by a number of representation and serialization formats. To address the various challenges in healthcare, this paper tries to represent and hence exchange the data collected by healthcare devices meaningfully and securely. This allows all healthcare devices to operate in conjunction with each other facilitating deeper insights and enabling generation of intelligent recommendations.
To transfer the collected data from devices to the knowledge base and vice versa, a healthcare IoT ontology with sensors and actuators is developed. SPARQL queries and SWRL rules are composed to provide personalized services and alleviating the doctors’ workload.
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