
  • LIN LI 1School of Computer Science & Technology, Wuhan University of Technology 2Hubei Key Laboratory of Transportation Internet of Things, Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan, 430070, China
  • JINHANG LIU School of Computer Science & Technology, Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan, 430070, China
  • YUEQING SUN School of Computer Science & Technology, Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan, 430070, China
  • GUANDONG XU Advanced Analytics Institute, University of Technology, Sydney NSW 2007, Australia
  • JINGLING YUAN School of Computer Science & Technology, Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan, 430070, China
  • LUO ZHONG School of Computer Science & Technology, Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan, 430070, China


Keyword Extraction, Microblog Post, Hashtag, Topic Model, Random Walk


Nowadays, huge amounts of texts are being generated for social networking purposes on Web. Keyword extraction from such texts like microblog posts benets many applica- tions such as advertising, search, and content ltering. Unlike traditional web pages, a microblog post usually has some special social feature like a hashtag that is topical in nature and generated by users. Extracting keywords related to hashtags can re ect the intents of users and thus provides us better understanding on post content. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised keyword extraction approach for microblog posts by treating hashtags as topical indicators. Our approach consists of two hashtag enhanced algorithms. One is a topic model algorithm that infers topic distributions biased to hashtags on a collection of microblog posts. The words are ranked by their average topic probabilities. Our topic model algorithm can not only nd the topics of a collection, but also extract hashtag-related keywords. The other is a random walk based algorithm. It rst builds a word-post weighted graph by taking into account posts themselves. Then, a hashtag biased random walk is applied on this graph, which guides the algorithm to extract keywords according to hashtag topics. Last, the nal ranking score of a word is determined by the stationary probability after a number of iterations. We evaluate our proposed approach on a collection of real Chinese microblog posts. Experiments show that our approach is more eective in terms of precision than traditional approaches con- sidering no hashtag. The result achieved by the combination of two algorithms performs even better than each individual algorithm.


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How to Cite

LIN LI, JINHANG LIU, YUEQING SUN, GUANDONG XU, JINGLING YUAN, & LUO ZHONG. (2018). UNSUPERVISED KEYWORD EXTRACTION FROM MICROBLOG POSTS VIA HASHTAGSa. Journal of Web Engineering, 17(1-2), 093–120. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JWE/article/view/3243


