Web page classification, Browsing pattern, Neural fitted Q – Iteration, Weblog, Web mining, Machine learning, Reinforcement learningAbstract
There is a demand for web intelligence in e-business and internet oriented markets. Many data crunching tools are available for the vendors to predict the customer behaviour on their website; still, there is a vacuum exist, and they fail to grab visitor attention on their products. Internet crimes are increasing exponentially with the growth of popularity of the internet. Web page classification (WPC) is a technique to classify the web page into a particular category by using its content and attributes like URL, Meta, and Title tags. Classification of web pages provides an option for an organization/ University to either block or allow a web page to the employees / students. Weblog pattern (WLP) mining is a favourite tool to extract useful patterns and deduce knowledge for the development of the website. The proposed work found the solutions for the extraction of WLP and WPC. The work has executed neural fitted Q-Iteration (NFQ) [1] method to classify Tamil and English web pages and extract the types of visitor visits the web page using a weblog. The experiment results show that there are an economic time and memory usage of the proposed method and improved percentage of accuracy comparing to existing methods.
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