web service composition, BPEL, SOA, Petri netsAbstract
The emergence of service-oriented architecture (SOA) has made it possible to establish easily accessible geodata web services and perform distributed geodata processing and modelling, which facilitate the provision of geo information in real time. Composition is an important method for dynamically combining distributed individual services and can be incorporated into geoprocessing workflows. Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) and service specifications provided by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) have become the industrial standards for executing geodata web service composition. However, current geodata web service composition soundness verification is beyond the capabilities of BPEL. Soundness verification in the design process can facilitate efficient and cost-effective geodata web service composition execution. To address this issue, Petri nets were used in this study for geodata web service composition analysis. A geodata web service was modelled based on a service net using Petri nets. The geodata web service composition was modelled based on the composition structure. The soundness properties of the geodata web service composition, such as reachability, boundedness, and deadlock, were also analysed. The proposed approach was shown to provide compliant support for geodata web service composition.
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