Developing Web-based Geographic Information Systems with a DSL: Proposal and Case Study
Domain specific language, geographic information systemsAbstract
In this paper, we present a declarative domain-specific language (DSL) for the development of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS applications manage information with a spatial component, usually in the form of points, lines, polygons, or variants of these basic data types, in domains where the spatial information plays a central role. They provide the user with different functionalities on different application domains, but they are usually developed according to a common architecture and using a common set of technologies. Hence, they share a significant number of elements that make some aspects of their development quite repetitive. Our DSL allows developers to specify the entities, geographic layers, and maps of the applications using a declarative language. Then, the specification is transformed into a working GIS application. We present the language, its implementation, and a case study on two sample projects that allowed us to evaluate the resulting software, paying special attention to the savings in the development effort.
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