A Testability and Observability Framework to Assure Traceability Requirements on System of Systems


  • Leticia Morales Trujillo Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2) group, University of Seville, Spain
  • Miguel Ángel Olivero González Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2) group, University of Seville, Spain and Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologiedell’Informazione, ConsiglioNazionaledellaRicerche, Italy
  • Francisco José Domínguez Mayo Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2) group, University of Seville, Spain
  • Julián Alberto García García Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2) group, University of Seville, Spain
  • Manuel Mejías Risoto Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2) group, University of Seville, Spain




System of Systems (SoS), traceability, framework.


The advance in the digital world has caused a growth of complexity in innovation. Traditional approaches to innovation, based on reductionism, face greater difficulties. That is why we have witnessed the growth of those known as System of Systems (SoS). There is a wide variety of methodologies and domains of application in the literature to form framed solutions in the context of SoS, but there is no unified consensus for its use and even less when it comes to agile environments of continuous integration and deployment in which traceability requirements are critical. In recent years, the need to have traceability software that continuously records and monitors the trace of the entities that interact with it has become an essential feature. In addition, over the years there has been evidence of errors caused by poor traceability control. Therefore, this document presents an agile framework that aims to guarantee the traceability of a SoS from the early stages. This framework unifies the discovery, development and operations, providing full coverage in the conformation of the solution. Finally, we present a case study as future work, which is based on the application of our framework on smart laboratories for assisted reproduction.


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Author Biographies

Leticia Morales Trujillo, Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2) group, University of Seville, Spain

Leticia Morales Trujillo has a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Engineering with a mention in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Seville since 2016 and a Master’s Degree in Software and Technology Engineering from the University of Seville since 2018. She is currently a PhD student. Since 2016 researcher associated with the research group of Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2), belonging to the Department of Languages and Computer Systems of the University of Seville. She is currently enrolled in the 2018–2019 doctoral program at the University of Seville. At the researcher level, he has participated in several research projects at the national level. Among his most important research results are several contributions to national and international conferences and publications in JCR journals.

Miguel Ángel Olivero González, Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2) group, University of Seville, Spain and Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologiedell’Informazione, ConsiglioNazionaledellaRicerche, Italy

Miguel Ángel Olivero González is PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of Seville. He has participated in various projects as a researcher as a member in the Web Engineering and Early Testing Group (IWT2). He has been part of the organizing committee of different international conferences. He has made national and international stays and participated in both national and international projects. His current research interests are related to Model-Driven Engineering, Security, and the System of Systems context. Further information about his research activities and his list of publications can be found at https://investigacion.us.es/sisius/sis_showpub.php?idpers=25279

Francisco José Domínguez Mayo, Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2) group, University of Seville, Spain

Francisco José Domínguez Mayo received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Seville, Seville, Spain, in July 2013. He is currently an associate professor with the Department of Computing Languages and Systems, University of Seville. He collaborates with public and private companies in software development quality and quality assurance. His lines of interesting research are plotted in the areas of continuous quality improvement and quality assurance on software products, and software development processes.

Julián Alberto García García, Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2) group, University of Seville, Spain

Julián Alberto García García was awarded his PhD in Computer Science by the University of Seville, Spain, in 2015. He is currently a Lecturer and Researcher with the Department of Computing Languages and Systems, University of Seville. Since 2008, he has participated in R&D projects as a researcher in the Web Engineering and Early Testing Group (IWT2). His current research interests include the areas of business process management, business process modeling, Model-Driven Engineering and quality assurance. Julian is responsible for the BPM area and responsible for security in IWT2. He also participates as member of committee in several international conferences and journals.

Manuel Mejías Risoto, Department of Languages and Computer Systems, Web Engineering and Early Testing (IWT2) group, University of Seville, Spain

Manuel Mejías Risoto obtained his Ph.D degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Sevilla, Spain, in 1997. He has been several years teaching and researching in the field of Software Engineering. His current lines of research are plotted in the areas of methodological issues in software process, quality assurance and reference models in software production.


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How to Cite

Trujillo, L. M., González, M. Ángel O., Mayo, F. J. D., García, J. A. G., & Risoto, M. M. (2020). A Testability and Observability Framework to Assure Traceability Requirements on System of Systems. Journal of Web Engineering, 19(2), 297–318. https://doi.org/10.13052/jwe1540-9589.1928



SPECIAL ISSUE: Advanced Practices in Web Engineering 2020