Search query, microblog posts, suggestion, pesudo relevanceAbstract
Query suggestion of Web search is an eective approach to help users quickly express their information need and accurately get the information they need. Most of popular web-search engines provide possible query suggestions based on their query log data, which is a kind of implicit relevance based approach. However, it is dicult to give suggestions to search queries that have no or few historical evidences in query logs. To solve this problem, traditional pseudo relevance based approaches directly extract addi- tional keywords from the top-listed search results of a given search query as suggestions. However, for hot topic or event related search queries, users more like to browse the latest and newly appeared contents. In this paper, we follow the direction of pseudo relevance based suggestion approaches by mining microblog data that is inherent in fast information propagation and dissemination. Our graph based rank aggregation ap- proach combines a frequency based ranking with considering words themself and a LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) based ranking by mining hidden topics behinds words. A dataset is crawled from the posts of fourteen micro-topics of Sina microblog platform. The experimental results clearly demonstrate our proposed approach is more eective than traditional pseudo relevance based methods. Moreover, the suggested keywords extracted from the posts published by authenticated users are more eective than two traditional pseudo relevance based approaches, i.e., the posts submitted by all users and the top returned posts returned by Sina search engine. In addition, applying LDA on microbog posts alone is far from satisfactory, but the combination of the frequency based ranking and the LDA based ranking show much better performance.
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