fault tree, event, fault, web application, reliability, testing effortAbstract
Important issues regarding web applications are measuring the complexity and reliability of the system and testing every possible sequence of events. Hence, there is a need to identify and analyze the potential failures of the system. In the current research work, the concept of web links and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) technique has been used to identify the potential failures of a web application. The web application is divided into modules and possible faults in each module are represented by a fault tree. Each fault event in a fault tree is assigned a measure using number of static links or dynamic links calculated using a metric called, Fault Trigger Metric (FTM). The value of FTM is calculated at event, module and system level and can form the basis to predict reliability/testing effort of the web application. The value of FTM at system level is called Fault Vulnerability Metric (FVM) and can form the basis to predict reliability/testing effort of the web application. Systems with high FVM value will be less reliable and hence will require more testing effort.
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