Exception handling, multiagent systems, normative systems, pervasive computing, service compositionAbstract
The full integration of pervasive computing services into daily life leads to smart spaces with a wide range of intelligent devices that must be dynamically composed to provide a transparent service to users. To achieve this, pervasive services have to coordinate among themselves in both an automated and autonomous manner, with the aim of satisfying complex user requirements that no single service can fulfill. However, existing pervasive environments are normally ad-hoc and isolated systems incapable of: 1) reacting to dynamic and unforeseen situations that may raise exceptions, and 2) collaborating with pervasive services beyond their physical limits. The contributions of this work are: 1) Proposing a normative agent-based service composition method capable of handling exceptions in open pervasive systems. 2) Using the Web as the underlying infrastructure where pervasive services provided by either smart devices or web services can coexist and interact with each other. 3) Providing a modular and hierarchical agent coordination method based on virtual organizations to sustain coordination among agents belonging to multiple organizations (smart spaces). 4) Integrating exception handling mechanisms based on social norms and formalized by event calculus predicates into virtual organizations to support and guide exception handling in both a dynamic and autonomous manner.
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