Quality models, Evaluation strategy, SIQinU strategy, Quality in use, Actual usability, External quality, mprovementAbstract
Web applications and their quality evaluation has been the subject of abundant research. However, instantiated models have been used mostly for the purpose of understanding, rather than improving. In this paper, we propose utilizing a quality modeling framework together with a non-intrusive evaluation strategy to instantiate quality models with the specific purpose of not only to model and understand a Web application in-use, but also to improve it. Starting with a quality modeling framework, our approach instantiates models for both quality in use and external quality, resulting in a requirements tree for both followed by evaluation and then combined with a mechanism to develop relationships between them. Interpreting these relationships viz. ‘depends on’, and ‘influences’, in alignment with the ISO 25010 quality life cycle model, is the basis for continuous improvement. This is illustrated with a case study showing the underlying strategy from model instantiation to application improvement.
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