fuzzy ontology mapping, reference ontology, conceptual graphAbstract
Fuzzy ontology mapping is an important tool to solve the problem of interoperation among heterogeneous ontologies containing fuzzy information. At present, some researches have been done to expand existing mapping methods to deal with fuzzy ontology. However, these methods can not perform well when creating mappings among multiple fuzzy ontologies in a specific domain. To this end, this paper proposes a new method for fuzzy ontology mapping called FOM-CG (Fuzzy Ontology Mapping based on Conceptual Graph). To reduce unnecessary comparisons for multiple fuzzy ontologies in a domain, FOMCG firstly creates or finds out a Reference Ontology that contains the most common and shared information. The other fuzzy ontologies in the domain are Source Ontologies. Then, these fuzzy ontologies are transformed into conceptual graph sets (i.e. R-set and S-sets). Next, some algorithms are presented to create mappings among conceptual graph sets. Finally, the obtained mappings are transformed into the mappings among fuzzy ontologies. Experimental results with some fuzzy ontologies from the real world indicate that FOM-CG performs encouragingly well.
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