Web information retrieval, ranking, search engine, propagation methods, number of slashes in the URLAbstract
An efficient and effective ranking mechanism in the search engines remains as a challenging problem. In recent years, a few relevance propagation models like Hyperlink-based score propagation, Hyperlinkbased term propagation, and Popularity-based propagation models have been proposed. In this paper, we will give a comprehensive study of the relevance propagation technologies for Web information retrieval and conduct both theoretical and experimental evaluations over these models to know which model is more effective and efficient. We also propose a new relevance propagation model based on content, link structure (web graph), and number of slashes in the URL. It propagates content and the number of slashes as scores through the link structure. The goal is to find more relevant web pages to the user query. To compare relevance propagation models, Letor 3.0- a standard web test collection- was used in the experiments. We have concluded that using number of slashes in the propagation process provides improvement in Web information retrieval accuracy.
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