
  • PRACH CHAISATIEN Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology Meguro, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan
  • TAKEHIRO TOKUDA Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology Meguro, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan


Mobile application, description-based mashup, end user development


This paper presents a description-based composition method for rapid development of mashup applications for mobile devices. We designed and evaluated a generator system which allows an automatic generation of the declarative descriptions to mobile mashups. The generator system is based on a mobile mashup composition language called Mobile Application Interface Description Language (MAIDL). The language focused the reuse of mobile applications, Web services and Web applications as mashup components and allows composers to lay out the connection of component data ow of the mashup ap- plication. In technical aspect, our generator provides an automated mechanism that can reduce the mashup execution time. In usability aspect, the evaluation shows that our composition method could assist novice composers in interpreting and planning mo- bile mashup applications. We found no signicant dierence in composition time and correctness between novice and expert composers. From the evaluation result, we are able to indicate the expressivity, the major patterns, and common composition mistakes in our mobile mashup composition method. The further requirements lead to a new composition approach for single and multiple devices mashups via the use of tethered mashup applications.



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How to Cite

CHAISATIEN, P., & TOKUDA, T. . (2013). A DESCRIPTION-BASED COMPOSITION METHOD FOR MOBILE AND TETHERED MASHUP APPLICATIONS. Journal of Web Engineering, 12(1-2), 093–130. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JWE/article/view/4181


