
  • AHAMAD ABDOLLAHZADEH BARFORUSH Computer Engineering and IT department, Amirkabir University of Technology 424 Hafez Ave., Tehran, Iran
  • ALI RAHNAMA Computer Engineering and IT department, Amirkabir University of Technology 424 Hafez Ave., Tehran, Iran


Ontology Learning, Ontology Engineering, Ontology Learning Tools, Knowledge Discovery


The term "ontology" comes from the field of philosophy that is concerned with the study of being or existence. In general computer science defines ontology as an "explicit specification of a conceptualization," which is, "the objects, concepts, and other entities that are presumed to exist in some area of interest and the relationships that hold among them”. Ontologies hold a great importance to modern knowledge based systems. They enable shared knowledge and reuse where information resources can be communicated between human or software agentsand should be machine readable. Manual construction of ontologies is an expensive and time consuming task. An answer to this problem is to provide an automatic or semi- automatic tool for ontology construction. Over the past years, this field of research has not yet reached the goal of fully automating the ontology development process. In this paper we will review the ontology creation process with the help of ontology learning (OL) and extend our previous OL framework. We will examine OL applications with respect to the extensions of our framework. And last we will define a roadmap for future work.



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How to Cite

BARFORUSH, A. A. ., & RAHNAMA, A. (2012). ONTOLOGY LEARNING: REVISTED. Journal of Web Engineering, 11(4), 269–289. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JWE/article/view/4197


