Quality models, Quality in use, Actual usability, User Experience, Functional quality, Information quality, Evaluation approachAbstract
Web applications (WebApps) and their quality specification and evaluation have been the subject of abundant research. However, the particular features of new generation WebApps pose new challenges regarding current quality models and their included characteristics and sub-characteristics. For instance, functional added value (e.g. integratedness and beneficialness), learnability in use, communicability, sense of community and, ultimately, user experience are characteristics very often neglected in quality modeling or placed appropriately in quality views. Considering the recently issued ISO 25010/25012 standards and quality models for WebApps, in this work we propose updating our previously developed quality models and framework so-called 2Q2U (Quality, Quality in use, actual Usability and User experience) in the light of those features of new generation WebApps. The resulting quality models and framework in conjunction with evaluation strategies contribute towards a flexible, integrated approach to measure and evaluate different eras of WebApps. In order to illustrate the approach a practical case for evaluating a mashup WebApp is conducted.
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