service matchmaking, semantic matching, quality assessments, Web data extraction, Web data fusionAbstract
The composition of Web APIs provides a great opportunity to Web engineers that can reuse existing software components available on the Web. Finding the best API, fulll- ing a set of user requirements, among the many described on the Web is a key step in order to develop an eective Web application; however, Web engineers have little sup- port in solving this problem due to poor search mechanisms and to the heterogeneity of sources and descriptions. Semantic technologies and matching algorithms provide ac- curate methods to match user requirements against a set of descriptions. Nonetheless, semantic descriptions of APIs are not available in practice. In this paper, we propose a method to extract information on Web APIs published in several Web sources and create semantic descriptions that can be then fused to deliver comprehensive descrip- tions associated with APIs. During the extraction process, we take into account that collected information has dierent levels of accuracy, currency, and trustworthiness to state a condence level of the results. The method is based on the evaluation of the quality of the involved sources, the extracted values, and the overall descriptions. The resulting semantic descriptions are then matched with expressive user requirements to address the API selection problem.
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