Platform independent model, Model transformation, Model-Driven Architecture (MDA), Metamodel, Domain Specific Language (DSL)Abstract
Nowadays there are many research projects conducted in the areas of Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). These research projects have shown that there are LMS platforms with different architectures and inoperative to each other. The most significant contribution of MDE has been the creation of a common meta-metamodel. This meta-metamodel allows transformations between different models. This research work presents a LMS metamodel. The metamodel created is based on the study of five LMS platforms. The LMS metamodel is a global model that makes a bridge for the transformation of modules between the model and different LMS platforms, and it also presents the development of a Domain Specific Language (DSL) tool to validate the metamodel, the transformation process of the model with our DSL Tool to modules deployed in Moodle, Claroline and Atutor, and finally testing and validation of creating modules with LMS platforms VS creating modules with our DSL Tool.
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