Web search, evaluation, user satisfactionAbstract
This paper explores how information visualization can provide insights into the effectiveness of different query formulations or the same query submitted to multiple search engines. Different queries or search methods are deemed more effective if the fusion of their results leads to a new result set that contains an increased number of relevant documents. The MetaCrystal toolset can be used to visualize the degree of overlap and similarity between the results returned by different queries or engines. The work presented is guided by two working hypotheses: 1) documents found by multiple methods are more likely to be relevant; 2) high degrees of overlap and/or systematic relationships between the ranked lists being compared will not lead to fusion results that contain more relevant documents. MetaCrystal visually identifies documents found by multiple queries or engines. The number and distribution patterns of documents found by multiple methods can be used as a visual measure of the fusion effectiveness. Examples, using Internet and TREC data, are presented that support both in a qualitative and quantitative way the working hypotheses.
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