Web-based Information Systems, design, adaptability, progressive accessAbstract
Web-based Information Systems (WIS) are used for processing and diffusing large amounts of information over the Internet. It is therefore crucial to adapt to users both the content and the presentation of information in order to save them from some disorientation or cognitive overload syndromes. For this purpose, we introduce the notion of Progressive Access which aims at giving users through the WIS functionalities a flexible and personalized access to data, by stratifying their information space. These stratifications are described by a Progressive Access Model (PAM). We present here the PAM and its connections with four other models (data model, functional model, hypermedia model, user model). We show how these five models can be exploited for the design of an adaptable WIS which integrates the progressive access approach. Design and generation of such systems are supported by a platform called KIWIS we also present in the paper and illustrate by an example.
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