
  • ZOLTÁN FIALA Dresden University of Technology, Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Multimedia Technology
  • MICHAEL HINZ Dresden University of Technology, Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Multimedia Technology
  • KLAUS MEISSNER Dresden University of Technology, Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Multimedia Technology
  • FRANK WEHNER Dresden University of Technology, Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Multimedia Technology


Web Engineering, Component-based Development, Adaptive Hypermedia, Document Generation, Web Annotations, Caching


Personalized Web applications automatically adapted for different clients and user preferences gain more importance. Still, there are barely technologies to compensate the additional effort of creating, maintaining and publishing such Web content. To address this problem, this paper introduces a declarative, componentbased approach for adaptive, dynamic Web documents on the basis of XML-technology. Adaptive Web components on different abstraction levels are defined in order to support effective Web page authoring and generation. Media components encapsulate concrete media assets by describing them with technical metadata. Content units group media components belonging together semantically by declaring their layout in a device-independent way. Finally, hierarchical document components playing a specific semantic role are defined. The hyperlink view for defining typed links is spanned over all component layers. Beside the reuse of both implementation artefacts and higher level concepts, the model also allows to define adaptive behavior of components in a fine-granular way. As a further benefit the support for ubiquitous collaboration via component annotations is introduced. Finally, the stepwise pipeline-based process of document generation is introduced and performance issues are sketched.



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How to Cite

FIALA, Z. ., HINZ, M. ., MEISSNER, K., & WEHNER, F. . (2003). A COMPONENT-BASED APPROACH FOR ADAPTIVE DYNAMIC WEB DOCUMENTS. Journal of Web Engineering, 2(1-2), 058–073. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JWE/article/view/4377


