Requirements analysis, Web site quality model, 2QCV3Q meta-modelAbstract
Requirements analysis constitutes a critical phase in the development of software systems, and for Web sites it can often be a determining factor in the success of the company or organisation. A thorough requirements elicitation will take into considerations the objectives and needs of all the actors involved. It is therefore important for an analyst to have conceptual instruments that support their identification, taking into account the different components of a Web site. In this paper we propose the application of a quality model - the 2QCV3Q meta-model - to the activities related to the requirements engineering process. To illustrate this we describe the requirements analysis for an ONLUS organisation called "No Pain for Children", a nonprofit association for promotion of analgesic treatment. Developed to evaluate the quality of existing Web sites, the meta-model proved to be a useful tool also in gathering and negotiating the requirements. In particular, it was possible to highlight from its conception the priorities of the newly founded association and also the potential areas of conflict between the objectives of the association (and its promoters) and the needs of the doctors and families involved with it.
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