A Hybrid Recommendation System Based on the Supply Chain in Social Networks


  • Abolfazl Zare Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1750-5326
  • Mohammad Reza Motadel Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Aliakbar Jalali Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA




Recommendation System, Social Networks, Supply Chain, Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic


With the expansion of virtual social networks, finding and recommending appropriate and favorite information and items to users is one of the severe issues in their development. To this end, recommender systems predict and recommend interests based on past behavior reviews and user preferences. However, less research has been done on people to people in social networks, and it is still based on exploring communication and friendship circles, which is generally not desirable for specialized users. Social networks include a variety of entities such as individuals, businesses, companies, and technical communications that also contain a variety of information related to the supply chain interaction, such as industries, functions, and communications between them and users.

This paper provides a recommendation system framework for recommending people to people in social networks based on supply chain interactions. For this purpose, it has presented five hybrid methods based on artificial neural networks and fuzzy strategies to provide better and more accurate recommendations than basic methods. Eventually, a case study was conducted on the LinkedIn social network to show the improvements in applying this new approach to primary methods. In this regard, seven specific evaluation criteria of recommender systems have been used.


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Author Biographies

Abolfazl Zare, Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Abolfazl Zare received a Ph.D. degree in Information Technology Management (Business Intelligence) from the Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, in 2020. Zare has been working on web development for nearly a decade and is interested in smart cities, big data and data mining, social mining, artificial neural networks, business intelligence, and recommendation systems and has written in these fields.

Mohammad Reza Motadel, Department of Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Mohammad Reza Motadel received his Ph.D. in Production Operation Management from the Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch in 2004. He is currently a faculty member of the Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, and has more than twenty years of teaching experience. He specializes in Business Intelligence, production management, and data analysis.

Aliakbar Jalali, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA

Aliakbar Jalali received the B.S. degree from K. N. Tosi University of Technology in 1984, MSc. Degree from Oklahoma University (OU) in 1988 and a Ph.D. degree from West Virginia University (WVU) in 1993. Jalali worked for 30 years in the college of Electrical Engineering at the University of Science and Technology in Iran. He currently is working as an adjacent professor in the department of CSEE at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC).


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How to Cite

Zare, A. ., Motadel, M. R. ., & Jalali, A. . (2022). A Hybrid Recommendation System Based on the Supply Chain in Social Networks. Journal of Web Engineering, 21(03), 633–660. https://doi.org/10.13052/jwe1540-9589.2133


