Enhance the ICS Network Security Using the Whitelist-based Network Monitoring Through Protocol Analysis
Network security, Protocol analysis, Traffic monitoring, ICS network, Clustering algorithm, Apriori algorithmAbstract
In our present technological age, most manual and semi-automated tasks are being automated for efficient productivity or convenience. In particular, industrial sites are rapidly being automated to increase productivity and improve work efficiency. However, while networks are increasingly deployed as an integral part of the automation of industrial processes, there are also many resultant dangers such as security threats, malfunctions, and interruption of industrial processes. In particular, while the security of business networks is reinforced and their information is not easily accessible, intruders are now targeting industrial networks whose security is relatively poor, wherein attacks could directly lead to physical damage. Therefore, numerous studies have been conducted to counter security threats through network traffic monitoring, and to minimize physical loss through the detection of malfunctions. In the case of industrial processes, such as in nuclear facilities and petroleum facilities, thorough monitoring is required as security issues can lead to significant danger to humans and damage to property. Most network traffic in industrial facilities uses proprietary protocols for efficient data transmission, and these protocols are kept confidential because of intellectual property and security reasons. Protocol reverse engineering is a preparatory step to monitor network traffic and achieve more accurate traffic analysis. The field extraction method proposed in this study is a method for identifying the structure of proprietary protocols used in industrial sites. From the extracted fields, the structure of commands and protocols used in the industrial environment can be derived. To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed concept, an experiment was conducted using the Modbus/TCP protocol and Ethernet/IP protocol used in actual industrial sites, and an additional experiment was conducted to examine the results of the analysis of conventional protocols using the file transfer protocol.
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