Morpheus Web Testing: A Tool for Generating Test Cases for Widget Based Web Applications
: User Interfaces, widgets, Morpheus Web Testing, Code CoverageAbstract
Context: Widgets are reusable User Interfaces (UIs) components frequently delivered in Web applications.In the web application, widgets implement different interaction scenarios, such as buttons, menus, and text input.
Problem: Tests are performed manually, so the cost associated with preparing and executing test cases is high.
Objective: Automate the process of generating functional test cases for web applications, using intermediate artifacts of the web development process that structure widgets in the web application. The goal of this process is to ensure the quality of the software, reduce overall software lifecycle time and the costs associated with tests.
Method:We elaborated a test generation strategy and implemented this strategy in a tool, Morpheus Web Testing. Morpheus Web Testing extracts widget information from Java Server Faces artifacts to generate test cases for JSF web applications. We conducted a case study for comparing Morpheus Web Testing with a state of the art tool (CrawlJax).
Results: The results indicate evidence that the approach Morpheus Web Testing managed to reach greater code coverage compared to a CrawlJax.
Conclusion: The achieved coverage values represent evidence that the results obtained from the proposed approach contribute to the process of automated test software engineering in the industry.
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