Chirp Spreading Spectrum in Imperfect Environment and Wireless Tree Topology Network
LoRa, LPWAN, FSCM, chirp, IoT, DCoMP, Tree topologyAbstract
With the rapid development of IoT technology in recent years, higher requirements have been put forward for wireless communication technology. Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology is emerging rapidly, the technology is characterized by low power consumption, low bandwidth, long-distance, and a large number of connections, and is specifically designed for Internet of Things applications. LoRa (Low Power Long Range Transceiver), as a typical representative of LPWAN technology, has been widely concerned and studied. This paper analyzes the performance of LoRa modulation in the tree topology network and analyzes the performance of LoRa modulation in the imperfect environment for point-to-point communication and multipoint-to-point communication. From theoretical analysis and performance simulation, it can be seen that the influence of frequency offset or multipath fading on LoRa signal is very obvious. However, when LoRa modulation is used for networking, multi-user interference will be introduced. Under the influence of many imperfect factors, the signal receiver performance of LoRa modulation will be difficult to guarantee. Because of these effects, Coordinated Multiple Points based on Timing Delay (DCoMP) is presented. Multiple nodes close to each other send the same data to the target node. Due to the inaccurate synchronization between nodes, there will be a certain relative delay when sending signals to the same target node. After the receiving node combines the signals of multiple nodes according to different relative delays, the reception performance of the signals can be improved. At the same time, the cooperative node can also actively adjust the signal sending time to improve the reception performance of the receiving node signal merging algorithm. LoRa modulation, by using DCoMP transmission, improves the reception of signals and thus the overall capacity of the system. Through the analysis of multipoint communication and single point communication, this paper is of great help to LoRa network deployment.
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