An Algorithm with Efficiently Collecting and Aggregating Data for Wireless Sensor Networks
collecting data, aggregating data, minimum spanning tree, clusterAbstract
Due to the resource constraint, in wireless sensor network, the node processing ability, wireless bandwidth and battery capacity and other resources are scarcer. For improving the energy efficient and extend the lifetime of the network, this paper proposes a novel algorithm with the distributed and energy-efficient for collecting and aggregating data of wireless sensor network. In the proposed protocol, nodes can autonomously compete for the cluster head based on its own residual energy and the signal strength of its neighbouring nodes. To reduce the energy overhead of cluster head nodes, with a multi-hop way among cluster heads, the collected data from cluster heads is sent to a designated cluster head so as to further send these data to a base station. For improving the performance of the proposed protocol, a new cluster coverage method is proposed to fit the proposed protocol so that when the node density increases, network lifetime can be increased linearly as the number of nodes is increased. Simulations experiments show that network lifetime adopting the proposed protocol is sharply increased. And, the proposed protocol makes all the nodes die (network lifetime is defined as the death of last one node) in the last 40 rounds so that networks adopting the proposed protocol have higher reliability than networks adopting compared protocols.
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