Research on data fusion method of multi-source complex system


  • Yuxiang Cai Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China and State Grid Fujian Information & Telecommunication Company, Fuzhou, China



Artificial neural network; fuzzy neural network; Data fusion algorithm; Multi-platform sensor


Multi source fusion of data collected by various sensors to realize accurate perception is the key basic technology of the Internet of things. At present, there are many problems in the fusion of various kinds of data collected by sensors, such as more noise and more null values. In this paper, the fuzzy neural network algorithm is proposed to establish the model, combined with the Delphi method and the null value estimation method based on the prediction value to construct the data fusion system. This method has rich application scenarios in the construction of IOT system in the field of power and energy.


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Author Biography

Yuxiang Cai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China and State Grid Fujian Information & Telecommunication Company, Fuzhou, China

Yuxiang Cai is a PH.D. student at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He studied in Fuzhou University and got a master’s degree in software engineering in 2011. Since 2006, Cai Yuxiang has been engaged in electric power informatization related work in State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd. As a electric power information expert, he has rich experience in electric power Internet of things and data analysis. He is currently studying for a doctorate in electronics and information at Shanghai Jiaotong University. He takes the electric power IOT terminal as the research object and carries out terminal security and condition monitoring analysis.


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How to Cite

Cai, Y. (2021). Research on data fusion method of multi-source complex system. Journal of Web Engineering, 20(5), 1553–1572.



Advanced Practice in Web Engineering in Asia