A Study on Hybrid Hierarchical Network Representation Learning
Network Representation Learning, Dimension Reduction, Graph Contraction.Abstract
Network representation learning (NRL) aims to convert nodes of a network into vector forms in Euclidean space. The information of a network is needed to be preserved as much as possible when NRL converts nodes into vector representation. A hybrid approach proposed in this paper is a framework to improve other NRL methods by considering the structure of densely connected nodes (community-like structure). HARP [1] is to contract a network into a series of contracted networks and embed them from the high-level contracted network to the low-level one. The vector representation (or embedding) for a high-level contracted network is used to initialize the learning process of a low-level contracted graph hierarchically. In this method (Hybrid Approach), HARP is revised by using a well-designed initialization process on the most high-level contracted network to preserve more community-like structure information.
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