Minimizing the Cost of Agriculture Waste for Cellulosic Biofuels


  • Rajdeep Golecha Independent, Houston TX 77498, USA


corn stover, supply market structure, biomass cost model, cellulosic biofuels


Several studies have evaluated ways to reduce biomass cost
through optimization of biorefinery location thus reducing biomass
transport cost. While other studies have provided models for farmer
supply response and participation (market structure), there is a gap in
understanding how biomass transportation costs are related to farmer
incentives. This study bridges this gap. A biomass cost model is devel-
oped to evaluate the trade-offs between biomass transport cost, incen-
tives to farmers, farmer participation, biorefinery size, and alternative
feedstock availability. This article finds that a focus on optimizing
biomass transport cost and biorefinery location, without considering
the relationships between biomass transport cost and farmer incentives
increases biomass cost by 15% to 20%.


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Author Biography

Rajdeep Golecha, Independent, Houston TX 77498, USA

Rajdeep Golecha is an industry expert in bioenergy. His expertise is in business portfolio development for a sustainable biofuel businesses, and commercial optimization to reduce input costs. He has served as the commercial manager for a major energy company’s multi-billion dollar biofuel portfolio, where he led the development of cellulosic biofuel projects, and instituted improvements to capital efficiency and reduction in feedstock (biomass) costs through effective feedstock supply and business strategies. His current focus is on developing optimal market structures for cellulosic biofuel programs. He has an MBA from Michigan State University, and a Mechanical Engineer. E-mail: rajdeep.


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How to Cite

Golecha, R. . (2023). Minimizing the Cost of Agriculture Waste for Cellulosic Biofuels. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 36(2), 14–21. Retrieved from


