The Energy Path Not Taken


  • Dale Steffes


This article reviews the past 15 years that Planning & Forecasting
Consultants have spent trying to persuade the President of the United
States to adopt a viable national energy policy. When President Reagan
took office in 1981, the U.S. was 10 percent dependent on foreign energy.
Today the country is 28 percent dependent on foreign energy. Clearly,
the U.S. did not take the energy path we recommended.
In 1987, we formally asked the Reagan Administration to limit
energy imports to 15 percent.
The day President Clinton took office in 1993, we formally asked
his administration to limit energy imports to 20 percent. That proposal
is more fully documented in the Spring 1993 edition of this journal, and
is entitled: “Proposed: A National Policy to Distribute Petroleum Re-
sources More Fairly.”
Again in 1998, we asked the Clinton Administration to limit energy
imports to 25 percent.
Today, the United States’ energy dependency is about 28 percent,
with little relief in sight to slow the increasing energy dependency. And
oil itself is 58 percent dependent on foreign sources.
Many are calling for a comprehensive national energy policy. By
comprehensive, most mean that their pet project be included in the
funding. The United States does not need a comprehensive energy
policy. All the U.S. needs is for the president to declare that energy
imports are a threat to national security and implement a federal regu-
lation limiting energy imports to whatever percentage he deems reason-
able. The president currently has this statutory power under existing
trade laws.
Now is the time for the U.S. government to take another energy


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Author Biography

Dale Steffes

Dale Steffes is a 30-year independent veteran energy planner and forecaster, based in the world energy capital of Houston, with a proven track record. In Dec. of 1985, with oil in the near $27, Steffes forecast that the oil price would be $15 per barrel for 15 years. That radical forecast has now been proven very accurate. (See SPEE Summer 2002 article: “SPEE’s Resident Prophet Vindicated After 17 Years.”) His firm, Planning & Forecasting Consultants, assists public entities and private companies with their master energy plans. He designed a world oil stability policy for OPEC and IEA. His next major project is hosting the Virtual 8.5 Energy Producer Consumer Seminar in Houston in August, 2003. We are soliciting interns to input into this seminar. It is being held between the eighth producer consumer conference in Osaka in 2002 and the ninth producer consumer conference in Amsterdam in 2004. He can be reached at
Box 820228, Houston, Texas 77282, or telephone 713 467 4732.




How to Cite

Steffes, D. . (2023). The Energy Path Not Taken . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 24(2), 55–61. Retrieved from


