The Twentieth CenturyThe Age of Energy
Future historians will look back and declare the 20th Centur y as the
Age of Energy, in a context similar to the Industrial Revolution and the
Age of Enlightenment. Since 1900, the following world growth has taken
place, mostly due to the use of energy:
World Population grew from 1.6 billion to 5.7 billion
GNP grew to $30 trillion from around $1 to $2 trillion
Life expectancy increased from 33 years to 66 years
People and goods have centuplicated their mobility this century
The logic for this huge world development might be attributed to
many things, but the increasing use of energy will dominate the reason-
ing . Eventually, historians will formally recognize that the utilization of
energy was what made the difference, and will then acknowledge that
Houston was at the center of this "Energy Revolution.'?'
Reliable data for the world energy consumption in 1900 are not
available. However , the United States consumed 9 quadrillion Btu in
1900 and today consumes 90 quadrillion Btu, a tenf old increase this cen-
tur y. The U.S. became a superpower during the 20th century, and thi s is
mo stly due to the use of abundant, economical energy.