Eggs, Lettuce, and Kilowatts An Allegory for Energy Purchasing Managers


  • Robert W. Chatham P.E. Principal Precision Strategies, Inc.


The purcha sing manager for Evergreen Uni versity ha s the job of
bu yin g food and beverage suppli es for all cafeterias and snack bars lo-
cated on the main uni ver sity campus and its branch campu ses. Her job
also en tails bu yin g food and beverage supplies for all facult y loun ges,
fraternity hou ses, the university hospital, and for the con cession stan ds
for all athletic ev ent s of Everg reen Un iversity. Food and b ever age pur-
chases for the se resp onsibility areas amount to ab out $20 million per
yea r. She ha s a staff of five people.
She uses computer software for inventory maintenance, to flag eco-
nom ic order quantities, and to interface with accounts pa yabl e at the
university. With this degree of soph istication it would app ear the pur-
chasing man ager could institute some major econo mie s in the wa y she
bu ys food and beverage supplies for the uni versity complex.
There is one problem. Evergreen University is a state uni versit y
com plex (the un iversity, the branches, the hospital, etc.). By state law the
pur cha sing man ager is required to bu y all food and bever age supp lies
thr ou gh a wholesa le food supplier based in the "State of Jefferson ."
Many years earlier Bailey Wholesale Food and Beverage d id a good
job of lobb yin g in the Jefferson state legi slatur e. The state legi slatur e,
wantin g to prom ote home-grown businesses, passed a law that r equ ired
all state agen cies to d o business with a state-based food and bev erag e
wh olesaler. Ov er time Bailey had purchased all of their meanin gful com-
petitors . A few very small one s remained . Howev er, Bailey wa s the only
on e lar ge eno ugh to handl e the bu sine ss of the un iversity and othe r
sizabl e state facilities


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Author Biography

Robert W. Chatham, P.E. Principal Precision Strategies, Inc.

Robert W. Chatham is the principal at Precision Strategies, Inc., a management services consulting firm based in Long Beach, Mississippi. His firm provides consulting services to large industrial and large commercial users of electric power in all aspects of their business dealings with electric power suppliers.

Before accepting an early-out package in late 1994 from an electric utility organization, he had completed a long career in electric utility marketing. During his career he was involved in work with all classes of customers-particularly large industrial customers, federal accounts, and national commercial chain accounts. He has had experience with cogeneration projects and demand-side management projects. He also represented his former employer's interests with a state-level quasi-regulatory body.

His academic credentials include a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and a master of business administration degree. He is a registered professional engineer.

Mr. Robert W. Chatham, P.E.


Precision Strategies, Inc.

3 Maplewood Circle

Long Beach, MS 39560

Phone and FAX 228-868-7144




How to Cite

Chatham, R. W. . (2023). Eggs, Lettuce, and Kilowatts An Allegory for Energy Purchasing Managers. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 17(4), 46–50. Retrieved from


