Why Electric Power Contracts Need to be Read Carefully And Negotiated Carefully OR-Will Somebody Please Tell Me What I've Signed?


  • Robert W. Chatham P.E., Principal Precision Strategies , [li e.


A cons u ltan t often hear s questions such as these:
• "Wo uld yo u look at our pow er contract and tell me wh at we hav e
sig ne d?"
• "I don 't know wh at this power contract m ean s. The guy wh o was
here befor e m e signed it. Wh at' s it all ab out ?"
• "O ur local util ity w ant s to give us a lo wer rat e if we w ill sig n a new
5-year power contrac t. Sho uld I do it?"
M any lar ge users of power have ass ume d for yea rs th at bec au se the
frie nd ly mark eting r epr esentative from the Do wn Hom e Pow er Com-
pa ny came by wi th a power con tract it was okay to sign the docu men t.
After all, who wo uld one bu y electric power from othe r tha n Do wn
Hom e Power ? It was lI ever true that one sho uld sim p ly sig n the po we r
con trac t bec au se Do wn Hom e's nam e was printed boldly across the top
of page one . It cer tainly is 1I 0t true today th at a power contrac t sho uld be
sig ne d sim p ly becau se the power com pany m ark et ing rep res ent at ive
places it on yo ur d esk.


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Author Biography

Robert W. Chatham, P.E., Principal Precision Strategies , [li e.

Robert W. Chatham, P.E., is the principal at Preci sion Strategies, Inc., a management services consulting firm based in Long Beach, Mississippi. His firm provide s consulting services to large industrial and large commercial users of electric power in all aspects of their business dealings with electric power suppliers .

Before accepting an early-out package in late 1994 from Mississippi Pow er (a part of the Southern Company), he had completed a long career in electric utility marketing. During his career he was involved in work with all classes of customers-particularly large industrial customers, fede ral accounts, and national commercial chain accounts. He has had expe rience with cogen eration projects and demand-side management proj ects. He also represented his former employer 's interes ts wi th a state-leve l qu asi-regulatory body.

His academic credentials include a bach elor's degree in electrical eng inee ring and a master of bu siness administr ation de gree. He is a registered professional engineer, a senior member of the Assoc iation of Ene rgy Engineers, and is a member of both the Atlanta and Houston pipeliner 's club s.




How to Cite

Chatham, R. W. . (2023). Why Electric Power Contracts Need to be Read Carefully And Negotiated Carefully OR-Will Somebody Please Tell Me What I’ve Signed?. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 17(1), 70–76. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20713


