Electric Utilities Making Major Cuts in R&D Spending


  • Barry J. Fleishman Dickstein Shapiro Morill & Osilillsky L.L.P. (Washillgtoll, D.C. Office)


Fu nding for electricity-related research and developmen t by elec-
tric ut ilities decreased about 33% from 1993 through 1996, and fur ther
r edu ction s were expected in 1997. So says a recent report by the US
General Accounting Office (GAO).
The Committee on Science of the Hou se of Repre s ent ativ es had
as ked the GAO to look at the follow ing qu estions:
• Wha t chan ges hav e occur red in the amount of electricit y-related
R&D funding?
• What were the primar y reasons for those change s?
• Wha t has been the impact of the changes on the type s of R&D being
fu nde d?
The GAO foun d that the Department of Ener gy's R&D bud get w ent
from S1 billion in 1993 to $1.3 billion in 1995, and back ag ain to 51 billion
in 1996. H owever, electric util ity R&D fund ing over the same period of
tim e dr opped from 5708 million to $476 millio n. State energy programs
wer e also red uced. The GAO rep or t was limited to governm en t and
utility funding. Information on manufacturers R&D was not avai lab le.
The reduction s in utilit y R&D spending ob viou sly are significan t.
Ind eed , the National Association of Regulatory Util ity Comm issi oner s
rec omm end ed in 1992 that utilities devote 1% of their revenues to R&D.
In 1993, six of the 112 investor-own ed utilities met that target. Since then ,
all six have cu t ba ck their R&D spe nd ing subs tan tially


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Author Biography

Barry J. Fleishman, Dickstein Shapiro Morill & Osilillsky L.L.P. (Washillgtoll, D.C. Office)

Barry J. Fleishman is part of Dickstein Shapiro Morin & Oshinskys litigation section. He concentrates on products liability and disaster avoidance in the areas of electric power and power quality, computers, and telecommunications. Mr. Fleishman is a regular contributor to, and serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of, Power Quality Assurance magazine. He is the current chair of the Energy Resources Law Committee of the Tort and Insurance Practice Section of the American Bar Association, and a member of the ABA's Coordinating Group on Energy Law.




How to Cite

Fleishman, B. J. . (2023). Electric Utilities Making Major Cuts in R&D Spending . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 17(3), 12–14. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20671


