A 10-Step Program to Successful Utility Deregulation For Building Owners and Managers


  • George R. Owens V E., C.E.M. The Rouse Compnlly


With the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, the process of
deregulating the electric industry was begun. Because of this historic
change toward a competitive arena, the utilities, their customers, and
energ y service providers have begun to ree xamine their relationships.
How will building owners, each with varying degrees of sophis-
tication , choose their suppliers of these services? Who will supply
them? What will it cost? How will it impact the tenants/occupants?
How will the successful players bring forward the right product to the
marketplace to stay profitable ? And how will more and better energy
purchases, commissioning, O&M, and energy ser vices impro ve the
bottom line?
This article reviews the historic relationships between utilities,
their customers, and energ y service providers, and the tremendous
poss ibilities for doing business in new and different ways . Of particu-
lar concern to building owners is who will be best able to supply these
services in the future and if they will improve qualit y and reduce


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Author Biography

George R. Owens, V E., C.E.M. The Rouse Compnlly

George R. Owens, P.E., CEM, is Director of Eng ine ering for the Rou se Comp any, wh ich owns more than 75 sho pping centers and 120 office build ings throu gh out the United States and Canada. These total 57,000,000 sq uare feet. He is responsible for managing and reducing an energy budget of 585 million ann ua lly. His activi ties include ut ility rate analysis, ene rgy management sys tem s evaluation and installat ion, operations, computer programs, energy accounti ng, energy studies and audits, lighting design, and a 510 mill ion ann ual cap ita l imp rovemen t program. He is resp onsibl e fo r the company's Utility Deregulation and Ene rgy Serv ices Plan. Geo rge is a registered professiona l eng ineer in five sta tes, a Certified Energy Manager, recip ien t of ene rgy awa rds, publish er and presente r of ene rgy ar ticles an d book cha pters. He is an ins truc tor with Virginia Tech and North Carolin a Universities' Energy Program s. He is a mem ber of several professional orga nizations (AEE, ASHRAE, IEEE, NETA ) where he ha s held committee and officer position s. He is a recipien t of the Assoc iation of Energy Engin eer s' "Intern ational Ene rgy Manage r of the Year."




How to Cite

Owens, G. R. . (2023). A 10-Step Program to Successful Utility Deregulation For Building Owners and Managers . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 17(2), 62–72. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20699


