The Role of Technical Associates In Professional Development


  • Wayne C. Turner Ph.D., P.E. , CEM 1997 President of the Association of Energy Engineers Regents Professor Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK
  • Albert Thumann Executioe Director, P.E., CEM Association of Energy Engineers Atlanta, Georgia


The Association of Energy Engineers celebrates its 20th Anniver-
sary and reflects on its accompli shm ents in de veloping the energy engi-
neering and manag ement profession . We have made great strides and
see great new grow th opp ortun ities ahead. This articl e is part of a series
of pap er s des cribing associations and professional de v elopm ent. We
hope that by reviewing the acc omp lishments of AEE it will give insight for future development.
The Epilog written by Dr. Winebrake states it well. This set of ar-
ticles "d iscusses the role or private trade organizations, technical associa-
tions, and companies in fostering the continued education and training
of existing energ y and environmental professionals, trade groups and
technical associations have a mission to keep their members current-a
task that can be facilitated by the formation of alliances-"
The thoughts presented in the article reflect where AEE is, where
we are going and how AEE works with various allies . Hopefully the
Association of Energy Engineers will prove useful to other organizations.


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Author Biographies

Wayne C. Turner, Ph.D., P.E. , CEM 1997 President of the Association of Energy Engineers Regents Professor Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK

Wayne C. Turner, Ph.D., P.E., CEM, is a regents professor of in d ustrial engineering at Oklahoma State University (OSU). He is founder and co-director of OSU's Oklahoma Energy Analysis and Diagnostic Center. As part of his work with the cent er, he has supervised energy audits in approximately 400 buildings. Dr. Turner received his Ph.D. from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1971. He is the recipient of numerous academic and professional awards, including AEE's Engineering Educator of the Year. With a strong background in energy management, he has written five books and more than 200 articles on energy management and related subjects.

Albert Thumann, Executioe Director, P.E., CEM Association of Energy Engineers Atlanta, Georgia

Albert Thumann, P.E., CEM, is a certified state auditor in Geor gia, a certified energy manager, and is a licensed professional engineer. A 13year veteran of Bechtel Corporation, he is presently executive director of the Association of Engineers. He holds a masters in electrical engineering from New York State University.




How to Cite

Turner, W. C. ., & Thumann, A. . (2023). The Role of Technical Associates In Professional Development. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 16(4), 66–73. Retrieved from


