Design and Analysis of Multi-Frequency Unequal-Split Wilkinson Power Divider using Non-Uniform Transmission Lines
Design and Analysis of Multi-Frequency Unequal-Split Wilkinson Power Divider using Non-Uniform Transmission LinesAbstract
In this paper, the design of miniaturized multi-frequency unequal-split Wilkinson power divider (WPD) using nonuniform transmission lines (NTLs) is presented. To achieve compactness, the uniform transmission lines of the conventional WPD are substituted by their equivalent NTLs. Moreover, two extra compact NTLs transformers are incorporated in each arm of the divider for output ports matching purposes. To prove the validity of the design procedure, two examples of single band and triple band NTL-based WPDs, with 2:1 split ratio, are presented. Both dividers are simulated using fullwave simulators. Furthermore, the proposed single band divider is fabricated and tested. Both simulation and measurements results are in good agreement. Besides the rejection of the odd harmonics over the band 1-5 GHz to a level lower than -15 dB, a total length reduction of 37%, and 16% in the single and triple band WPDs, respectively, is achieved.
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