Improving the Convergence of the Wave Iterative Method by Filtering Techniques


  • H. Hrizi Electronics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences in Tunis, 2092 El Manar Tunisia
  • L. Latrach Electronics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences in Tunis, 2092 El Manar Tunisia
  • N. Sboui Electronics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences in Tunis, 2092 El Manar Tunisia
  • A. Gharsallah Electronics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences in Tunis, 2092 El Manar Tunisia
  • A. Gharbi Electronics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences in Tunis, 2092 El Manar Tunisia
  • H. Baudrand Electronics Laboratory EN SEEIHT in Toulouse France


Improving the Convergence of the Wave Iterative Method by Filtering Techniques


Among the numerical methods used in the electromagnetic modeling of high frequency electronic circuits, we include the wave concept iterative method. In this paper, we propose to improve the convergence speed of this method when modeling a complex structure. This method requires a maximum number of iterations, noted “Nmax”, to achieve the convergence to the optimal value. Our goal is to reduce the number of iterations calculated by this method to the value “Nmin” in order to reduce the computing time and to improve the convergence speed. This is done by adding a new algorithm based on filtering techniques.


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How to Cite

H. . Hrizi, L. . Latrach, N. . Sboui, A. . Gharsallah, A. . Gharbi, and H. . Baudrand, “Improving the Convergence of the Wave Iterative Method by Filtering Techniques”, ACES Journal, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 841–847, May 2022.



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