Performing 3-D FDTD Simulations in less than 3 Seconds on a Personal Computer and its Application to Genetic Algorithm Antenna Optimization
Performing 3-D FDTD Simulations in less than 3 Seconds on a Personal Computer and its Application to Genetic Algorithm Antenna OptimizationAbstract
FDTD simulations generally require significant computational resources and time. This paper systematically reduces the number of time steps and the grid size to determine the shortest simulation time that returns results with tolerable error for microstrip antenna simulations and their optimization of insertion loss with the genetic algorithm. Although the error would generally be unacceptable for traditional antenna simulations, it is sufficiently small to optimize their design. Simulations in less than 3 seconds on a P4 2.8 GHz processor were shown to be usable, with error approximately equal to manufacturing tolerances. A dual band ‘waffle’ antenna is designed that has better performance than the traditional dual band “F” antenna.
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