A 3D Printed Filtering Waveguide with Simple Metamaterial Construction
Bandwidth controllable, filtering waveguide, low loss, metamaterialAbstract
A novel filtering waveguide with bandwidth controllable characteristic is proposed in this work. The filtering waveguide consists of a common rectangular waveguide and metamaterial-based metallic bars. The proposed waveguide is designed for Ku-band application. Inside the operational frequency band, the metallic bars forming a metamaterial surface can behave as perfect electric conductor (PEC), which generates a pass-band for signal transmission, while outside the band of interest, the metallic bars act as perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) and block the transmission of undesired signals, where a stop-band is formed. After integrating the pass-band and stop-band features into the waveguide, a customized waveguide with filtering response is realized. A prototype of the proposed filtering waveguide is fabricated with the advanced metallic 3D printing technique, and experimental results well verify the desired performance. Moreover, the pass-band and stop-band of the filtering waveguide can be flexibly and easily adjusted to meet different requirements with low insertion loss.
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