Near-Field Scattering of Typical Targets Illuminated by Vortex Electromagnetic Waves


  • Hai-tao Chen Department of Antenna Research Wuhan Maritime Communication Research Institute, Wuhan, 430079, China
  • Ze-qi Zhang Department of Antenna Research Wuhan Maritime Communication Research Institute, Wuhan, 430079, China
  • Jie Yu Department of Science and Technology Wuhan Maritime Communication Research Institute, Wuhan, 430079, China


Near-field scattering, OAM modal spectrum, vortex electromagnetic wave


Based on the full-wave electromagnetic simulation and the principle of near-field diagnostics, the near-field scattering characteristics of typical scatterers illuminated by vortex electromagnetic waves are studied. It’s shown from the simulation data that the ability of identification of scatterer characteristics by vortex electromagnetic wave is higher. In addition to the amplitude and phase patterns, the orbital angular momentum (OAM) modal spectrum patterns of the scattering field also carry the information of the geometric shape and material characteristics. The application of OAM modal spectrum patterns will help to improve the ability of information acquisition and target detection of electromagnetic wave.


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How to Cite

Hai-tao Chen, Ze-qi Zhang, and Jie Yu, “Near-Field Scattering of Typical Targets Illuminated by Vortex Electromagnetic Waves”, ACES Journal, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 129–134, Feb. 2020.



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