High Gain Circularly Polarized X-shaped Aperture Coupled Antenna for WLAN Applications
Aperture-coupled, axial ratio, circularly polarized (CP), X-shaped slotAbstract
This paper presents a new high gain compact aperture-coupled circularly polarized antenna for WLAN applications. The proposed antenna comprises an asymmetric X-shaped slot etched on a circular patch and fed through the coupling between an annular slot and a microstrip line. The circular polarization is mainly due to the asymmetrical crossed-slots, respecting the angle of 450 between its two arms. The antenna with overall size of 60 × 60 × 5.83 mm3 has a measured 10-dB impedance bandwidth of 36%, a 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of 3.47% (5.67–5.87 GHz) and 1-dB gain bandwidth of 19.5% (4.85-5.90 GHz) with a peak gain of 8.65 dBi. To validate the simulated results, a prototype was fabricated, and good agreement between simulations and measurements has been accomplished.
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