Circularly Polarized Circular Slit Planar Antenna for Vehicular Satellite Applications
Asymmetric circular slit, circular polarization, patch antenna, vehicular satellite communicationAbstract
A compact, ultra light weight and efficient asymmetric circular slit circularly polarized patch antenna is proposed for vehicular satellite communications. The circular slit in the corners of the patch is utilized for achieving circular polarization and an edge-fed through a microstrip feed line incorporates a quarter-wave transformer for impedance matching. Simulation results indicate an improvement in cross polarization isolation. The proposed antenna is fabricated using RT/DUROID 5880 material which is lighter, flexible and less expensive compared to the commercially existing ceramic corner curtailed patch antennas. The measured results indicate a reflection coefficient of -24.1 dB at resonant frequency, impedance bandwidth of 490 MHz ranging from 11.03 GHz to 11.52 GHz, axial ratio bandwidth of 180 MHz ranging from 11.16 GHz to 11.34 GHz and constant gain through the operating bandwidth with an apprehended peak gain of 5.6 dB. Experimentations affirmed that measured radiation results of the suggested antenna are similar to the simulation results and can be utilized as vehicle roof mounted antennas for diverse satellite communication applications.
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