Effects of Room Dimensions on the Frequency Response of Indoor Wave Propagation
Indoor wave propagation, numerical optimization, optimum room dimensionsAbstract
In analogy with room acoustics, various aspects of microwave propagation in a room are treated. This paper presents the effect of the room dimensions on the frequency response of a propagating wave inside rooms. It is found by simulation and measurements that room dimensions affect the propagating waves in the rooms and degenerated bands can appear. In critical environments this may cause unwanted coloration effects, which decrease the signal quality. Appropriate choice of room dimensions may reduce the coloration effects of modes. A numerical optimization technique implemented in FEKO software package is used for finding the optimum room dimensions as to achieve the flattest possible frequency response. The effect of the room dimensions on wave propagating in corridors is presented. It is found that the room length has more effects on the frequency response of the signal than the room width for signals excited and transmitted in corridors.
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