Multiplication Theory for Prediction of the Scattering Grating-lobe of Array Antenna
Array antenna, array factor, decomposition, Radar Cross Section (RCS), scattering grating lobeAbstract
Experimental results reported in many literature have demonstrated that an antenna array should have two or more grating lobes in its scattering pattern; however, it is not clear how these grating lobes occur and vary. In this paper, we propose a new method to predict the number and location of scattering grating lobes generated by an array antenna. In the proposed method, the radar cross section (RCS) of array antenna can be decomposed into multiplication of the array RCS factor and the element RCS factor. The array RCS factor bears universal applicability so that it can be used to directly determine scattering properties of array antenna. Compared with the full-wave simulation techniques, the new method requires much less computation time and memory storage so that it is more suitable to be employed as the basis of a synthesis method to predict the desired RCS pattern of a large array antenna. As examples, the scattering properties of the dipole antenna arrays are investigated to validate the new method, numerical results demonstrate that the number and location of scattering grating lobes predicted by using the proposed method coincide with those simulated by using a MoM based commercial; software FEKO.
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