Detection of the Faulty Sensors on Basis of the Pattern Using Symmetrical Structure of Linear Array Antenna
Array antenna, fault detection, null depth level, nullsAbstract
In this paper, a simple method is proposed to diagnose the position of the damaged sensors. The position of the damaged sensors is diagnosed on the basis of the null depth level and the number of nulls for the degraded radiation pattern. The method is initiated with tabulation of the array radiation pattern with a single damaged sensor. The corresponding pattern is set as the reference to the radiation pattern of the failed sensors. The tabulated damaged array sensors are compared to a configuration of the assumed damaged sensor. The radiation pattern with deeper null depth level will be the location of the damaged sensor. Moreover, the symmetrical sensor damaged (SSD) technique diagnose the position of damaged sensor, in which on the basis of nulls one can detect the location of damaged sensors. The proposed method diagnoses the location of damaged sensors on the basis of pattern without complex computation as compared to available methods.
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