Analysis of Radiation Characteristics of Conformal End-Fire Antenna Mounted on a Large Conducting Cylinder


  • Ping Wang School of Communications and Information Engineering Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China


Conformal antenna, dielectric radome, end-fire antenna, horizontally polarized antenna, vertically polarized antenna


An analysis on the effect of dielectric radome on radiation characteristics of conformal end-fire antenna mounted on a large conducting cylinder is presented in this paper. Ray theory firstly is used to characterize the effect of the planar dielectric layer on the incident electromagnetic wave with different polarizations, which predicts the physical behavior of radome-antenna system. Meanwhile, the paper shows a comparing analysis of the effect of dielectric radome on conformal end-fire antenna with different polarization when the antenna is located on the external surface of a hollow conducting cylinder. It is found that the radiation characteristics of end-fire antenna is significantly changed due to the presence of the dielectric radome, and the effect of dielectric radome on vertically polarized end-fire antenna is less than that on horizontally polarized end-fire antenna. Parametric studies of the proposed radome-antenna system are also presented in this paper to explore the interaction mechanism between the endfire antenna and dielectric radome, and provide brief guidelines for the antenna designers. These results may provide some useful insights in the design of the radome-antenna system in practical engineering.


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How to Cite

P. . Wang, “Analysis of Radiation Characteristics of Conformal End-Fire Antenna Mounted on a Large Conducting Cylinder”, ACES Journal, vol. 31, no. 08, pp. 943–952, Aug. 2021.



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